Creating the Program

Letter announcing plan for SATC dated Aug. 20, 1918

The Director of the Students' War Service Campaign makes the announcement for the revised plan of the Students' Army Training Corps. The letter includes the official notice from the Committe on Special Education and Training about the approval of the new plan for the SATC. The text of this notice reveals the extensive chain of authority through which the plan had to pass: the Committee's Chief of Staff was ordered by the Secretary of War to approve the plan that had been revised to comply with a new policy regarding draft age from the War Department. The Executive Secretary of the Committee reported this information on behalf of the Chief of Staff; his message was, in turn, delivered to Southwestern's chapter of the SATC inside of a letter from the Students' War Service Campaign. All of these agencies and individuals listed in this one document conveys the sheer amount of time, energy, and effort put into the creation and implementation of this program.

Pamphlet outlining War Issues Course dated Sept. 10, 1918

Another signifier of the extensive institutional effort put into the SATC is the War Issues Course. Specifically developed for the SATC's curriculum, this pamphlet discusses the purpose, organization, content, and materials for the course. The War Issues Course was designed to educate SATC members on the causes and nature of war so that they would fully understand "the supreme importance to civilization of the cause for which they [were] fighting." It essentially acts as an ideological training, aimed at improving students' motivation so that the program will be effective in producing well-trained soldiers. The general address to "Institutions where Units of the Student Army Training Corps are located" shows how standardized the SATC program was; the Southwestern unit had to follow all of these guidelines just as the one at University of California, Berkeley had to. And like the letter announcing the plan for the SATC, this pamphlet is an updated version of a previous memorandum. The authorities involved in running the SATC were constantly reworking and redeveloping their program so that they could most effectively reach their goal of creating a new class of trained officers.