Browse Items (66 total)
Blank check with SATC note in file
This is a blank check. On the front of the check, there is a picture of the front of 'The Farmers State Bank' printed on the left side of the check. The check is printed, 'Georgetown, Texas, _______ 191_ No. ______' then 'The Famers State Bank 88-310' then 'of Georgetown, Texas.' Then 'Pay To________ or Bearer $______' then '______ Dollars' then a blank line at the bottom right hand side. On the reverse, written in pencil is, 'File - SATC' underlined, and underneath is 'These reports are null and void.' Below this is a large set of initials, 'PV', with the letters overlapping and a small triangle drawn where a period would be. This note was on top of the student grade reports by section in the folder.
Georgetown, TX -
Brief outline of War Issues Course
Typed letter with 'Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas. Office of the President' in the upper left-hand corner as blue letterhead. The letter has a vertical watermark that reads 'Oriole Linen Bond'. The body of the letter is addressed to President Robert E. Vinson, District Educational Director, SATC, and it regards the “character and organization” of a proposed 'War Issues Course at Southwestern University,' including plans for the Fall, Winter, and Spring terms. It specifies the members of the course planning committee as 'C. A. Nichols, Professor of Education, Chairman, A. S. Pegues, Dean, Professor of Economics, Walter Prichard, Acting Professor of History, J. C. Gobey, Professor of Chemistry.'
Georgetown, TX -
Bulletin announcing YMCA request for lecturers
This is a two-page typed letter. The first page has a printed letterhead of 'War Department Committee on Education and Special Training' and is dated 'December 10, 1918'. It is from 'Committee on Education and Special Training' and is signed 'Frank Aydelotte, Director of War Issues Course'. It is addressed to 'Professors in charge of the War Issues Course'. The body of the letter announces that the YMCA is hiring full-time lecturers on Political Economy, United States History, American Ideals, and other social sciences topics to work in the National Army Cantonments for a period of two months. The reads, 'The YMCA wishes to add to its staff a number of lecturers on Political Economy, United States History, American Ideals, and other topics connected with the social sciences who will work in National Army Cantonments during the next two months.' The 'bulletin is issued at the request of Dr. A. O. Lovejoy, Director of Lectures, YMCA Educational Division. The work in question is not connected in any way with the Committee on Education and Special Training of the War Department, but is entirely under the control of the YMCA.' The second page of the letter has the same printed letterhead as on the first page but no additional text.
Washington, D. C. -
Bulletin regarding biology courses
This is a three-page printed pamphlet. At the center of the top of the first page is '(Advance Copy)' with 'War Department Committee on Education and Special Training' under it and the title 'Special Bulletin on Biology'. The body of the text discusses the curriculum and scheduling for Biology courses, emphasizing the 'immense and direct value [of Biology] in the organization of the resources of a country on a war basis.' At the bottom of the page is a footnote listing other special bulletins and descriptive circulars for Medical and premedical courses, Agriculture, and Hygiene and Sanitation. The second page of the pamphlet lists the topics in Botany and Zoology that must be covered by the Biology courses. It is signed, 'Committee on Education and Special Training, By R. C. Maclaurin, Educational Director, Collegiate Section.' The third and back page of the pamphlet is blank.
Bulletin regarding medical schools and premedical students, dated Oct. 3, 1918
This is a three-page printed pamphlet. The first page reads, '(Advance Copy) War Department Committee on Education and Special Training' and is titled, 'Special Bulletin' then 'Information for Medical Schools and Program for Premedical Students'. The body of the text discusses the schedule and requirements for medical and premedical students in the SATC, including practical and theoretical military instruction, professional instruction, and physical training. Medical schools themselves are expected to introduce military training and the War Issues course, in addition to continuing their existing programs until such a time as an official program for professional schools has been established by the government. The second page of the printed pamphlet continues from the first page. It is dated 'October 3, 1918' and signed 'Committee on Education and Special Training, By R. C. Maclaurin, Educational Director, Collegiate Section.' In the body of the text, a schedule of required courses for premedical students is prescribed, which includes both science and military instruction. On the third and back page of the printed pamphlet, there is no text.
Bulletin regarding singing in the SATC, dated Nov. 10, 1918
This is the five-page Singing in the SATC Bulletin. It is from 'The Commission on Training Camp Activities: Department of Camp Music' and is to 'Instructors in Mass Singing in Units of the SATC'. At the top of the first page in the center is typed 'War Department' and under that 'Singing in the SATC' and below that is 'Issued, in conjunction with this work of the Committee on Education and Special Training, by the Commission on Training Camp Activities, Raymond B. Fosdick, Chairman; Lee F. Hanmer, Director, Department of Camp Music; Peter W. Dykema, Supervisor of singing in the SATC.' Beneath this is 'Bulletin No. 2 : November 10, 1918.' The first section of the body of the bulletin is 'Mass Singing the Most Important Musical Activity in SATC' because 'it alone involves participation by all students'. The next section is titled 'Material, the First Consideration'. On the second page of the bulletin, the first paragraph is a continuation from the first page. The next section is titled 'Shall We Use Just What Is Used in Army Camps?' and explains some of the differences that the SATC presents as a unit of educated men. The next section is 'What Can We Carry Over from Camp Singing?' and discusses how soldiers have 'unmistakable terms' for their likes and dislikes of music. On the third page, the first paragraph continues from the second page. The next section is 'What Shall We Use Besides Popular Songs?' and discusses the Commission Song Books which are popular songs (25-33-1/3%), standard patriotic songs (16-2/3%), standard folk and national songs (25%), hymns (16-2/3%), miscellaneous (10%). The next section is 'Can the SATC Singing Mark an Advance?' and discusses ways to build on the song book. On the fourth page, the first paragraph continues from the third page. The next section is 'Many Opportunities for Experiments', and the section after that is 'Where to Get the Music'. On the fifth and last page, directions on how to order or reorder song books are given. It is signed 'Commission on Training Camp Activities, Washington, D.C.' and below that 'Peter W. Dykema, Song Leader' and then 'Assigned as Supervisor of Singing in the SATC' and below that 'Hollis Edison Davonny, Lieut. Q. M. C. Secretary.'
Catalog of maps for War Issues Course, dated Nov. 8, 1918
This is an eight-page printed pamphlet. The first page has a letterhead of 'War Department Committee on Education and Special Training' and is dated 'November 8, 1918'. It is from 'Committee on Education and Special Training' and is to 'Institutions where Units of the Students Army Training Corps are located and Chairmen of the War Issues Course groups'. The subject given is 'Maps for the War Issues Course and for other courses in which the Geographical Problems of the War and the Peace which is to follow have a part.' The body begins with an explanation that the American Geographical Society of New York has prepared base maps for the U.S. government. The first section is '1. General Description of the Maps; Their Usefulness'. On the second and third pages of the pamphlet, the following sections are included: 'The Price of Maps; Opportunity for Examination'; '3. Use of Funds'; '4. Wide Distribution of Maps Desired'; '5. Descriptive Matter'; and '6. Correspondence Regarding Maps'. It is signed 'Frank Aydelotte, Director of War Issues Course'. After this is a listing under 'Detailed Description' for the maps available. The scale and size are included and some of them include study ideas. On this page are Europe, Alsace, Lorraine, and Adriatic. On the fourth and fifth pages of the printed pamphlet, the map listings continue, including size and scale. Some have additional ideas on how to use them or details of interest. The maps are: Tyrol, Austria-Hungary, Balkans, Rumania, Russia, Russian Empire, Baltic Basin, Baltic Provinces, Poland and Lithuania, Poland, Caucasus, Block Diagrams of European Problem Areas, and Asia. On the sixth page of the printed pamphlet, the map listings continue with: Danube to India, Western Asia, Anatolia and Armenia, Syria, Palestine, Siberia, Africa, and Central Africa. The seventh page is blank. The eighth and back page of the pamphlet is also blank.
Washington, D.C. -
Circular regarding geology and geography courses, dated Oct. 1, 1918
This is a three-page printed circular. The first page reads, '(Advance Copy)' then 'War Department Committee on Education and Special Training' and is titled, 'Special Descriptive Circular Geology and Geography' . The first section of the body of the text gives instructions for the curriculum of the SATC and stresses the importance of instruction bearing "as closely as possible on military needs." The next section details how geology and geography courses should be structured and which topics must be covered. The second page of the printed circular continues with guidelines for geology and geography courses. The requirements of the 'Geography of Europe' course are given. It is dated, 'October 1, 1918' and signed 'Committee on Education and Special Training, By R. C. Maclaurin, Educational Director, Collegiate Section.' The third and back page of the printed circular has no text.
Fifth page of SATC scrapbook
Fifth page of SATC scrapbook. There are four black and white photos on a black paper background with 'SATC' written horizontally across the top. The top left-hand photo is a long trench dug in the ground with a mound of logs on one side of it. Buildings and possibly railroad tracks visible in background. Beneath it is written 'Over the Top' (double apostrophes included). The top right-hand corner is a photo of a trench in a field with a short wall of logs on one side of it. Written under it is 'Front Line Trench.' The bottom left-hand photo is rows of bundled twigs and branches supported by a wooden framework. Written beneath it is 'Bayonet Run. SATC.' The bottom right-hand photo is of a pond or lake with trees and buildings in the background and docks and a small wooden platform in the middle ground.
Georgetown, TX -
First page of SATC scrapbook
First page of SATC scrapbook. There are four black and white photos on black paper with descriptions as follows. The photo in the top left-hand corner is a river with brush in the background, described as 'San Gabriel River Georgetown Texas.' The photo in the top right-hand corner is of three men standing together with a campus building in the background: 'Privates Connolly, Chadwick, and Branch.' The photo in the bottom left-hand corner has no description and is a picture of three men posing on a rock. The photo in the bottom right-hand corner has a picture of Mood Hall with 'SATC Barracks written on the ground in front of it and it is described as 'SATC Barracks, Mood Hall.'
Georgetown, TX