Browse Items (24 total)
Letter recommending textbooks for War Issues Course, dated Nov. 2, 1918
This is a two-page typed letter on white paper. The first page has a typed letterhead 'War Department Committee on Education and Special Training 10th District-Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana' and is dated 'University Station, Austin, Texas, November 2, 1918.' It is from R. P. Brooks, District Director, War Issues Course' and to 'The War Issues Instructors, Tenth District, Students Army Training Corps'. In the body of the letter, Brooks recommends a list of European history textbooks for use in the War Issues course. The second page of the typed letter continues to recommend reading materials for the War Issues course. The final section states that 'as most of the men in the SATC units are without experience in college work, the Committee hopes that each instructor will leave no stone unturned to present the subject matter of this course in the simplest possible terms'. It is signed 'R. P. Brooks' then 'District Director, War Issues Course.'
Austin, TX -
Pamphlet suggesting organization of War Issues Course, dated Sept. 18, 1918
This is a printed pamphlet. The first page has a letterhead of 'War Department Committee on Education and Special Training' and is dated 'Washington, Sept. 18, 1918' and is from 'The Committee on Education and Special Training'. It is signed 'Committee on Education and Special Training By Frank Aydelotte, Director of War Aims Course' and is to 'Professors in charge of course on the Issues of the War, SATC, Collegiate Section.' It begins with 'Note:-This Memorandum supplements, but does not supersede Memorandum of September 10th'. The body of the text makes suggestions, rather than requirements, for the War Issues course. The sections are: '1. Distribution of Time'; '2. Modification for Engineering Schools'; and '3. Syllabi'. On the second and third pages of the printed pamphlet, the 'Syllabi' section is continued. It is then followed by: '4. Text Books and Other Materials'; 'Class Discussion'; and '6. Combination with English Composition'. This section is continued on the last and back page of the printed pamphlet. It is followed by '7. Examinations' ; '8. Relations to War Aims Course in Training Detachments'; and '9. Army Paper Work'. The page is signed, 'Committee on Education and Special Training By Frank Aydelotte, Director of War Aims Course.'
Washington, D. C. -
Pamphlet outlining War Issues Course, dated Sept. 10, 1918
This is a three-page printed pamphlet. On the first page, the letterhead reads, 'War Department Committee on Education and Special Training' and is dated 'Washington, September 10, 1918.' It is from the 'Committee on Education and Special Training' and signed 'By order of the Committee, Grenville Clark, Lt.-Col. A. G. O., Secretary.' It is addressed to 'Institutions where Units of the Student Army Training Corps are located' and is about the 'Course on the Issues of the War'. This is an updated version of a memorandum dated August 27, 1918 and distributed at Fort Sheridan and Plattsburg. The body of the text includes three sections on instructions concerning the War Issues course. The first section is '1. Purpose', which clearly states the content and goals of this course; it is "a course on the remote and immediate causes of the war and on the underlying conflict of points of view as expressed in the governments, philosophies and literatures of the various States on both sides of the struggle. The purpose of this course is to enhance the morale of the members of the Corps by giving them an understanding of what the war is about and of the supreme importance to civilization of the cause for which we are fighting." The next sections are on '2. Modification of Existing Courses' and '3. Time'. On the second and third pages of the printed pamphlet, the instructions for the War Issues course are continued. The next sections are: '4. Organization'; '5. Combination with English Composition'; '6. Content'; '7. Opportunity for Questions'; and '8. Materials'. Instructions are continued again onto the back and last pages of the printed pamphlet. The sections are '9. Attitude' and '10. Nomination of Instructors'. It is signed 'By order of the Committee, Grenville Clark, Lt.-Col. A. G. O., Secretary.'
Washington, D.C. -
Circular regarding geology and geography courses, dated Oct. 1, 1918
This is a three-page printed circular. The first page reads, '(Advance Copy)' then 'War Department Committee on Education and Special Training' and is titled, 'Special Descriptive Circular Geology and Geography' . The first section of the body of the text gives instructions for the curriculum of the SATC and stresses the importance of instruction bearing "as closely as possible on military needs." The next section details how geology and geography courses should be structured and which topics must be covered. The second page of the printed circular continues with guidelines for geology and geography courses. The requirements of the 'Geography of Europe' course are given. It is dated, 'October 1, 1918' and signed 'Committee on Education and Special Training, By R. C. Maclaurin, Educational Director, Collegiate Section.' The third and back page of the printed circular has no text.
Bulletin regarding medical schools and premedical students, dated Oct. 3, 1918
This is a three-page printed pamphlet. The first page reads, '(Advance Copy) War Department Committee on Education and Special Training' and is titled, 'Special Bulletin' then 'Information for Medical Schools and Program for Premedical Students'. The body of the text discusses the schedule and requirements for medical and premedical students in the SATC, including practical and theoretical military instruction, professional instruction, and physical training. Medical schools themselves are expected to introduce military training and the War Issues course, in addition to continuing their existing programs until such a time as an official program for professional schools has been established by the government. The second page of the printed pamphlet continues from the first page. It is dated 'October 3, 1918' and signed 'Committee on Education and Special Training, By R. C. Maclaurin, Educational Director, Collegiate Section.' In the body of the text, a schedule of required courses for premedical students is prescribed, which includes both science and military instruction. On the third and back page of the printed pamphlet, there is no text.
Bulletin regarding biology courses
This is a three-page printed pamphlet. At the center of the top of the first page is '(Advance Copy)' with 'War Department Committee on Education and Special Training' under it and the title 'Special Bulletin on Biology'. The body of the text discusses the curriculum and scheduling for Biology courses, emphasizing the 'immense and direct value [of Biology] in the organization of the resources of a country on a war basis.' At the bottom of the page is a footnote listing other special bulletins and descriptive circulars for Medical and premedical courses, Agriculture, and Hygiene and Sanitation. The second page of the pamphlet lists the topics in Botany and Zoology that must be covered by the Biology courses. It is signed, 'Committee on Education and Special Training, By R. C. Maclaurin, Educational Director, Collegiate Section.' The third and back page of the pamphlet is blank.
Letter regarding SATC academic records, dated Oct. 18, 1918
This is a typed page with a printed letterhead in the center reading 'War Department Committee on Education and Special Training' and is dated 'October 18, 1918'. It is addressed to 'Presidents of SATC institutions, Collegiate Section' and is from 'Committee on Education and Special Training by R. C. Maclaurin[,] Educational Director, Collegiate Section'. The body of the letter primarily addresses the academic nature of the Corps and provides the guidelines for keeping academic records for Corps members.
Washington, D.C. -
Grade report for SATC English course, dated Oct. 1918
This is a typed page with a watermark 'Requisition Bond'. At the top of the page is 'SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY' and below that is 'Monthly Report Students' Army Training Corps' and then 'Reported by' with 'W. Dwight Wentz' written in and then 'Term: Fall Term 1918...Month of: October'. The page is divided into three columns, the first is 'Last name...Other names,' the next is 'Course and Number,' and the third is 'Numerical Grade'. There are seventeen names in alphabetical order for English 2 with grades ranging from 75 to 85. On the back of the grade report, 'Instructions' for the report are typed at the top.
Georgetown, TX -
Grade report for SATC French and German courses, dated Oct. 1918
Pages 10 and 11 were joined in top left-hand corner by a straight pin; these are both Lehmberg's French and German classes - he used two pages to list all his students alphabetically. This is a typed page with a watermark 'Requisition Bond'. At the top of the page is 'SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY' and below that is 'Monthly Report Students' Army Training Corps' and then 'Reported by' with 'F. C. A. Lehmberg' written in and then 'Term: Fall...Month of: October'. The page is divided into three columns, the first is 'Last name...Other names,' the next is 'Course and Number,' and the third is 'Numerical Grade'. The names are listed alphabetically, continuing from the previous page. The first is French 1, the next three are French 68, then seven for French 1, five for French 68, three for French one. Then there are 14 names for French 1 starting alphabetically again and one for German 7. The grades range from 70 to 95 with one 'sick'. On the back of the grade report, 'Instructions' for the report are typed at the top.
Georgetown, TX -
Grade report for SATC French and German courses, dated Oct. 1918
Pages 10 and 11 were joined in top left-hand corner by a straight pin; these are both Lehmberg's French and German classes - he used two pages to list all his students alphabetically. This is a typed page with a watermark 'Requisition Bond'. At the top of the page is 'SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY' and below that is 'Monthly Report Students' Army Training Corps' and then 'Reported by' with 'F. C. A. Lehmberg' written in and then 'Term: Fall...Month of: Oct'. The page is divided into three columns, the first is 'Last name...Other names,' the next is 'Course and Number,' and the third is 'Numerical Grade'. The names are listed alphabetically. The first 9 are for French 1, than one for German 7, then 11 for French 1, one for German 7, 3 for French 1, one for French 68, four for French 1, and one for French 68. Some names are crossed out and the grades range from 70 to 95. On the back of the grade report, 'Instructions' for the report are typed at the top.
Georgetown, TX